I am trying to install Pluto 1.1 portal server into Geronimo. Till now i am able to get About and Admin portlets working. Both these portlets are part of pluto.war. Now i am facing one classloader related problem when i try to install HelloWorld Portlet in HelloWorld.war (Separate war).
Basic Problem -> I have A.war and B.war they depend on Class1 which is part of 1.jar. What i want is A.war should create object of Class1 and that object should be accessible to class in B.war so where should i put 1.jar and how should i configure both A.war and B.war so that they will be able to look at this class.
Detailed Description ->
Thing is Pluto portlet has PortalDriverServlet which is controller servlet and is shipped with Pluto.war. When it gets request for HelloWorldportlet it wraps that request in object of RenderRequestImpl.java which is in pluto-container-1.1.0-dev.jar and sets is as request parameter and passes control to HelloWorldPortlet. Now HelloWOrldPortlet uses
PlutoServlet.java class for handling request and this is again part of pluto-container-1.1.0-dev.jar. When PlutoServlet tries to get object of RenderRequestImpl.java from request it throws ClassCastException because both of them have different class loader.
Till now i tried to
1) Create pluto in repository folder containing pluto-container-1.1.0-dev.jar  and add dependencies from both pluto.war and HelloWorldPortlet.war on pluto repository. But in that case i get ClasscastException.
2) I tried copying all jars in <Geronimo_Base>/lib and removed dependencies but that does not work either
3) I tried copying all jars in <Geronimo_Base>/repository/geronimo/jars and that does not work.
Can you please let me know what is equivalent of shared/lib in Geronimo. Place where i could copy jars used by more than one application
Thank You

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