Rafael, are you wanting to use Ant to run the Geronimo build, start/stop Geronimo, deploy apps into Geronimo, ...?

I have a working sample of the first (starting Geronimo build from Ant).


Aaron Mulder wrote:
What kind of application are you working on?  (e.g. WAR, EAR, EJBs,
etc.)  I can probably sketch some steps that your build should take,
though I don't have a specific Ant/Geronimo example (I've used Maven
for all my Geronimo-related builds).


On 7/13/06, Rafael Barrera Oro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Im sorry, but i 've been unable to find out what a build.xml example for
using ant with geronimo looks like, so i ask you guys.

As usual, thanks in advance


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