I think the "official" repos are:

www/people.apache.org/java-repository is M1 and
www/people.apache.org/maven-repository is M2

These are the SNAPSHOT repos anyway.  Clear as mud now :)

Jason Dillon wrote:
On Jul 14, 2006, at 11:08 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:
Jason Dillon wrote:
Where are the Javamail-1.3 1.2-SNAPSHOT artifacts deployed?
I'm not sure they are yet. This is the level built if you build the specs freshly. What's the process of getting the snapshots published?

Dunno... I need to know that too soon to start getting genesis and g 1.2-SNAPSHOTS published w/m2.

I'm still kinda confused as to which are the official Apache m1 + m2 repositories.


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