Are your concerns about it being *way* to much related to the use wiki markup which you feel may be unproductive (not easy to use) and your solution to that is the suggestion of adding new fields, or do you think it is *way* to much because one would have to take more time thinking about and documenting a fix?


Aaron Mulder wrote:
The issue in question looks great, but I think asking everyone to use
a specific format within their description is *way* too much to ask.
If you want to propose some fields be added (such as symptom and so
on) that would be better, but they'd have to have some descriptive
text so people could tell what to put where.


On 7/15/06, John Sisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What does everyone think of adopting a format similar to what I have
used in for JIRA
issues for "bug fixes".  I expect we would use a different format for
enhancements.  I got the idea from Derby's wiki  page .

When a JIRA for a bug is closed, we should ensure it's description
generally follows that format.  When a new JIRA is created, it should be
just a matter of copying some template wiki markup into the issue.

Following the format would have the following benefits:

* Makes developers think about the information that other
users/developers would want to know about the problem
* Helps users who searching for problems reported with the release they
are running to get a better understanding of the issues with that
release and whether there are any workarounds to get them by until the
next release.

If people are happy I'll add a wiki entry about the format.



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