Should still open an issue. We have to add a file to tmp to force the directory to be created. The tmp/README.txt explains that some versions of WinZip decide to not create empty directories... maybe there is a configuration option in WinZip to do that... or maybe some versions are just more full of themselves.

Either way... as much as I don't like to have them, I think its better to add a README.txt to the directories we expect to exist and explain why the files are there... and also what types of files should be in that dir etc.


On Jul 15, 2006, at 8:43 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:


Before you open a JIRA can you please double check this? I just downloaded both of those files and extracted them using winzip. The empty directories were created. I've also noticed that when I copy an image I need to be careful to ensure the empty directories are included in the copy. For example, xcopy * /s won't include the empty directories so you must use the /e option. I'm not sure if that's what happened on your system but it's happened to me before.


Jason Dillon wrote:
Looks like its an oversight... can you please file an issue in Jira:
Zip can sometimes (annoyingly omit empty directories)... we will have to put in placeholders to prevent this lame behavior.
Anyways, its an easy fix we can get in for 1.1.1
On Jul 15, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Michael Malgeri wrote:

I created empty directories for "var\shared\classes" and "var \shared\lib" and the server started up and I was able to log on and access the console and poke around.

I didn't run any other tests like deploying apps, etc.

I didn't see this in the install notes. Is there a problem with the distribution bundles or did I install incorrectly?

Michael Malgeri
Technical Services Manager
PHONE: 310-727-4544
Tie Line: 286-4544
CELLULAR: 310-704-6403

*Michael Malgeri/Los Angeles/IBM*

07/15/2006 05:19 PM

To <>
        Geronimo Startup Error



I downloaded for Windows, ran the startup script and got the following error:

[***************> ] 70% 20s Loading geronimo/sharedlib/1.1/ car 17:07:15,3 41 ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state: abstractName="geronimo/sharedlib/1.1/car? ServiceModule=geronimo/sharedlib/1.1/ car,j2eeType=GBean,name=SharedLib" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Classes dir does not exist: C: \AppServers\geronimo-1.1\var\shared\classes

There's no "..\geronimo-1.1\var\shared\classes" directory in the distribution

Got the same error with Little-G

Michael Malgeri
Technical Services Manager
PHONE: 310-727-4544
Tie Line: 286-4544
CELLULAR: 310-704-6403

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