Thanks for the response... worked like a champ!

On 7/20/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I dunno about Eclipse, I'd recommend just using `svn diff` to create
a patch.  Generally from the root of the tree is desired.  So, if you
are working in DayTrader, you would:

     svn co daytrader/trunk daytrader
     cd daytrader
     <make some changes>
     svn diff > mypatch.diff

My personal preference is to have a JIRA per feature/fix with an
associated patch, which can be applied/tested and committed

Sometimes that does not always fit the problem though... but I would
avoid creating too many little patches... where possible one patch is
preferred if it can be done to solve the problem.


On Jul 20, 2006, at 7:48 AM, Christopher Blythe wrote:

> I was wondering if someone could fill me in on the correct method/
> etiquette for creating a patch?
> I am working with DayTrader and am trying to create a patch for a
> small change to
> .
> Just for reference, I am working in eclipse using the subversion
> plug-in. I have already created a patch, but realized that it
> contained the full paths on my system and figured this probably
> wasn't kosher. Anyway, here are the steps that I took...
> - Checked out the "daytrader/trunk/modules/ejb" subfolder
> - Made changes to
> - Right clicked on my eclipse project and selected Team >> Create
> Patch
> - Worked through the wizard and created a patch text file
> Anyway, I was just wondering...
> - what subfolder I should use as my root when checking things out?
> - if eclipse with the sub-version plug-in is a ok for create a
> patch with?
> - or, if working with the subversion commands outside of eclipse is
> preferred?
> Thanks...
> Chris

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