There is either a problem with the attribute processing on gbeans or the keystore use of this processing, I'm not sure which.

The problem is that there are times when an attribute is being set which result in two entries in the config.xml for the same attribute rather than replacing the current setting. Here is the scenario.

There is an attribute on the keystore instance gbean (the default one we provide) for the keystore lock password and key passwords. The scenario happens with both attributes but I'm most concerned with the keystore lock at the moment so I'll just discuss that one.

With a brand new image, the attribute for the keystore lock is set to the default password (which effectively means it is unlocked). If we lock the keystore the password is then replaced with a null value and this is reflected in the config.xml. So far, so good. However, when we subsequently unlock the keystore, rather than replacing the password attribute with the value again it ends up creating a second entry for the attribute just before the null value entry. Here is what it looks like in the config.xml:

<gbean name="geronimo/j2ee-security/1.1.1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=geronimo/j2ee-security/1.1.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=Keystore,name=geronimo-default"> <attribute name="keystorePassword">{Simple}rO0ABXNyABlqYXZheC5jcnlwdG8uU2VhbGVkT2JqZWN0PjY9psO3VHACAARbAA1lbmNvZGVkUGFyYW1zdAACW0JbABBlbmNyeXB0ZWRDb250ZW50cQB+AAFMAAlwYXJhbXNBbGd0ABJMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZztMAAdzZWFsQWxncQB+AAJ4cHB1cgACW0Ks8xf4BghU4AIAAHhwAAAAEArVToThqcjvbXFD5C2uUmpwdAADQUVT</attribute> <attribute name="keyPasswords">{Simple}rO0ABXNyABlqYXZheC5jcnlwdG8uU2VhbGVkT2JqZWN0PjY9psO3VHACAARbAA1lbmNvZGVkUGFyYW1zdAACW0JbABBlbmNyeXB0ZWRDb250ZW50cQB+AAFMAAlwYXJhbXNBbGd0ABJMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZztMAAdzZWFsQWxncQB+AAJ4cHB1cgACW0Ks8xf4BghU4AIAAHhwAAAAIJu+zYXdGgTo+dMtBxYduheM0Te6O/om49Ln+vWNipopcHQAA0FFUw==</attribute>
      <attribute name="keystorePassword" null="true"/>
      <attribute name="keyPasswords" null="true"/>

It appears that "null" wins out (probably because it is last) and the net result is that the keystore remains locked. This is not a good thing (see other posts on the keystore processing).

So my question is this: Is this a problem with the way we are setting the attribute or is it a problem with the attribute processing itself (particularly around the setting and removing of a null value)? The code that sets the attribute is in FileKeystoreInstance around line 130.


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