On Aug 2, 2006, at 11:29 PM, David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 2, 2006, at 10:53 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

I'm working on the Jencks project again and have discovered that the container managed security and pool partition by-subject doesn't work oustide of Geronimo since both depend on obtaining the current caller's subject from ContextManager.getCurrentCaller (), which is a Geronimo specific class.

Is there a spec defined way we could be getting the current caller's subject that would reasonably work in most app servers? I'm hoping there is something in the JACC spec. If not, I think we should introduce a hook under these static calls, so we can redirect them to platform specific APIs when running outside of a Geronimo server.

You could use

(Subject)PolicyContext.getContext ("javax.security.auth.Subject.container");

which in geronimo delegates to ContextManager.getCurrentCaller() using a lot of hashmap lookups and security checks.

Based on the response I got from Alan on IRC and this message, I don't think it would be appropriate to change the connector code use the JACC api directly due to the performance problems. Maybe we can change the ContextManager methods as follows:

    public static boolean useJacc = true;
public static Subject getCurrentCaller() throws PolicyContextException {
        if (useJacc) {
return (Subject)PolicyContext.getContext ("javax.security.auth.Subject.container");
        } else {
            SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
            if (sm != null) sm.checkPermission(GET_CONTEXT);

            return (Subject) currentCaller.get();

When running in a Geronimo server we set useJacc to false.

What do you think?


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