Ah yes ... now I remember the thread. It seems that we may need to revive this discussion not only for the plugins but also for the dependency versions as well until we have a consistent solution that will work for both cases. We'll also need to address the case of build numbers/SNAPSHOTs/REVISIONS/etc... as indicated in GERONIMO_1637


Paul McMahan wrote:
Joe, Here's some discussion on plugin versioning you may want to check out: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/geronimo-dev/200606.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dain proposed a simple globbing approach that was well received, but
AFAIK it hasn't been implemented yet.


On 8/4/06, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It appears that the plugin site (geronimoplugins.com) needs to be
updated to reflect the new Geronimo version numbers.  At the moment, if
you search for plugins using the 1.1 branch image (Geronimo
1.1.2-SNAPSHOT) or with a 1.1.1 branch image (Geronimo 1.1.1) none of
the plugins are marked as available.  The metadata for the plugins only
indicates that they are valid for Geronimo 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (this no
longer exists) or Geronimo 1.1.

Can somebody with the proper authority update the geronimoplugins.com
site?  Are there other plugin sites that need to be updated?

Also, would it make sense relax the version verification some to ignore
anything in a version following the "-" on the server version?  If the
plugin as only specified as "1.1.1" and we didn't include the
"-SNAPSHOT" from a pre-release image then the plugin registry wouldn't
have to change when we cut the official release.  It seems reasonable to
me that a plugin targeted for 1.1.1 should be mostly functional with a
SNAPSHOT drop of 1.1.1 prior to the official release.  thoughts?


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