So who is we and why SourceForge? I can certainly see having Hibernate provider plugins and stuff there, but I definitely intend on writing the core bits in Geronimo svn.

More bellow... but in a different order.

On Aug 8, 2006, at 11:52 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:
In the mean time, have you had any better
ideas as to how to read the persistence.xml and write GBeans into the
web app than to reload and rewrite the serialized Configuration after
the main web app deployer finishes?

Nothing other than I intend to try and hook the main deployers similarly to the way we did for processing the webservice.xml. Aka, whip up some interface, hard code the deployers to call it at a logical point in the deployment process.

So far the idea is to put an EntityManagerFactory in JNDI for each
persistence unit at java:comp/env/jpa/(persistence-unit-name) .  The
problem is that every component type in Geronimo uses a different
GBean and attribute to hold the JNDI context.  It turns out that Jetty
and Tomcat both use the same attribute name on the WebModule
implementation, which makes that easy.  If you can contribute the
knowhow for EJBs, that would be great -- we just figured web apps were
the low hanging fruit for JPA.

I like the naming convention. There is a JNDI context attribute essentially on each EjbDeployment object -- think OpenEJB 1.0. In the related EjbDeployment GBean it's called "componentContextMap" and it's simply a Map that's converted to an ENC via a call to "EnterpriseNamingContext.createEnterpriseNamingContext"

Form a user perspective, it's mainly the necessary configuration
options and documentation.  But on the back end, I expect there's
going to be one JPA plugin with the core logic, and then separate ones
for each provider that set up the class path for that provider and
register with the main JPA plugin.

Sure. You only attempting to do Application-Managed JPA support (EntityManagerFactory objects in JNDI ENCs), so the plugin approach will work fine. When it comes to Container-Managed JPA support (proxied EntityManagers in JNDI, tracked by connections and enrolled in the transaction context), you're going to have a tougher time. At that point we're more likely to start by taking the connector support and expanding it to include JPA.


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