
Here's a first pass at a new Web 2.0, AJAX-based, Web interface for DayTrader! Take a look at and let me know what you think:

FYI - I highly suggest using Firefox or Mozzilla to view this. Also, thanks to Matt Hogstrom for his assistance.

This is merely a first pass that provides all of the operational features of DayTrader "classic", but also leverages the various _javascript_ libraries (widget, io, storage, etc.) within the Dojo toolkit to provide a better user experience. Eventually, I would like for this to serve as an addition to DayTrader 2.0 and would like feedback and other contributions on how we can evolve DayTrader to look less like a traditional browser-based, click-and-wait type application and more like a stand-alone app. I am by no means a _javascript_ or CSS expert, so any help, recommendations, etc.  would be gratefully appreciated...



On 3/16/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That definitely sounds like an attractive thing to benchmark to me!
As with the persistence options, etc. I think it would be best to be
able to run it both ways and see what you get with a traditional web
interface and compare that to an AJAX-ified interface.


On 3/16/06, J. Stan Cox < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geronimos,
> I've worked on the "Trade" benchmark in the past that has been donated
> to Geronimo and is now known as "DayTrader".   I think it will grow and
> flourish in the open source environment and become a nice showcase for
> Geronimo's performance and capabilities.
> I'm  interested in adding a rich, AJAX based Web interface to DayTrader
> for performance research.  DayTrader is a perfect type of application to
> leverage AJAX capabilities.  I will collapse all of the current web
> pages into a single rich page with dynamic and asynchronous updates of
> stock prices, user holdings, buys/sells, etc.
> I plan to leverage the DoJo AJAX toolkit which is being pulled into
> Apache MyFaces.  The basic architecture would look like:
> browser       <--------   -REST-  ---------->  DayTrader
> <----SOAP---->  DayTrader  <--- Java ---> DayTrader
> (dojo libs,                                    proxy
> servlet               Web services             J2EE App
> _javascript_)                                    soap/rest transform
> |----------------------    GERONIMO  -----------------------|
> There are several variations to this to pursue for performance comparison.
> Any feedback?
> Stan.

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