Hi All,

Update on this, 1 - 3 are done and everything I found has been patched with these JIRA's

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2326 (final patch from djencks did the charm)

I've not started on daytrader just yet will do that soon though.



On Aug 16, 2006, at 5:33 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:

Hi All,

i've been using the m2 build for several days now and I've noticed that while it works well there are several details that are still not nailed down. Particularly I've been hitting lots of dependency issues around deployment. So what I've started doing is slogging through each of them one at a time, posting a jira and a patch.

It struck me that there are probably similar issues throughout the server WRT the m2 build.

I'm open to other methods (and would love to hear of a silver bullet:) but seems to me that we need to basically hit everything in the console and tools and such and make sure it works so we can be sure the dependencies are correct. While I don't think I'll be able to hit 'everything' I'll try to poke on most of the console and the CLI tools and make sure that it 'works'.

My plan of attack:

1 - provide patches for the stuff i know about now (tranql/tranql- connector is missing for example from the repository) 2 - finish getting deployment working from the console (data sources, ejb-jar's, wars etc)
3 - poke on the rest of the console
4 - deploy daytrader
5 - anything else anyone comes up with

I will be posting bunches of jira's and fixes over the next few days as I work through this stuff (unless someone has a better idea about how to tackle it).



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