I got rid of the OOME by putting


into my ~/.mavenrc file



On Aug 30, 2006, at 2:04 PM, Hernan Cunico wrote:

I had experienced all these errors, in addition, the one I get the most is an annoying out of mem error

[DEBUG] Trace
[INFO] ------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 38 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Aug 30 15:50:06 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 43M/63M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------

I tried to increase the mvn heap sz by adding to the command - DMAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m. It does not seem to work, any suggestions?


Joe Bohn wrote:
We've been struggling with build problems on windows for some time now and things just keep on getting worse. I'm composing this note to summarize the problems that I'm aware of with work-arounds and possible solutions. I'm also fishing to see if anybody else has some ideas on how to resolve these issues.
1)  Windows pathlength problem.
There are miscellaneous failures that can typically be tracked down to the windows pathlength problem. The nature of our repository structure and deployment make this a big problem. It also seems like we're continuing to add more intermediate elements in path names as we try to get things more organized and conform to Maven 2 conventions.
The work-around is to keep the windows root path as small as possible. I now typically build from a root path of c:\g to avoid these problems.
Possible Solution:
For a longer term solution I'm planning to work on a new repository implementation in 1.2 that that isn't as redundant or verbose.
2)  JSP compilation errors
Embedded error: Unable to compile class for JSP
Strange error message about JAVA_HOME, etc...
Possible Solution/Work-around:
Update the pom.xml in the root directory to use version 1.4.5- SNAPSHOT (from 1.4.4) for the jspc-maven-plugin. Not sure if Jeff Genender is planning to make 1.4.5 an official release for this. We're not sure why it gets us around the problem so it may be a red herring.
3)  Openejb2 test failures.
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.openejb.deployment.DeploymentTestSuite.getName()
After bootstrap failure cd to <root>\target\external\openejb2
"mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true"
cd back to <root>
"mvn clean install"
Possible solution:
Dain suggested adding the "getName" method to the test. However, when I attempted this I hit other errors.
I think it would be helpful if we could disable the openejb tests until this problem is resolved.
4)  Blue screen of death (bsod)
This has been reported by multiple users on various machines. When running an M1 or M2 build the user encounters a bsod due to a memory failure.
*** STOP: 0x00000050 (0xBADDB148, 0x00000000, 0x8056C77B, 0x00000000)
Dump of physical memory
Work-around/Possible Solution:
Haven't found one yet. I've tried updated drivers, replaced hardware, tried various heap size settings, etc.... At times this can be fairly frequent (every 3rd build attempt or so). I'm collecting bootstrap.log files from folks when this happens during a bootstrap to see if there is a common thread. So far, with the bootstrap logs, it always seems to happen at about the same place: Running tests after building a module (usually tomcat.ApplicationTest or TomcatModuleBuilderTest) and the final lines in the log are always the Creation of an MBeanServer like this:
 [exec] Running org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.ApplicationTest
[exec] Created MBeanServer with ID: 5dcec6:10d5a184aed:-8000:jbohn2:1 Please respond to this note if you are seeing the bsod failures on windows. At first I thought this was just me and was hardware related. However, the more I talk to folks on windows the more I hear of other folks encountering this same problem. I've updated all drivers, replaced my entire system, and several other folks have reported seeing this on completely different systems. I think that pretty much rules out a hardware problem.
ideas welcome!

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