Hi All,

I have submitted a JIRA and patch to provide this GBean.


feedback as always welcome...



On Sep 4, 2006, at 3:06 PM, David Jencks wrote:

On Sep 4, 2006, at 4:54 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

On Sep 4, 2006, at 1:39 PM, David Jencks wrote:
IMO this would be a perversion of the geronimo architecture. What does "fully started" mean anyway? If you start with say geronimo-jetty-minimal and add cars to turn it into a full j2ee server while it is running, when exactly is it started? It certainly has nothing to do with the kernel.

When we thought about this last the best idea we could come up with is that it's "fully started" when all the modules listed in persistent configuration lists (should be persistent module lists) that are in the bootstrap or included recursively in those modules are started. Think about what happens if a module in the original PCL includes another PCL.

Started (or fully started) means that the server has loaded, initialized and started all modules in the persistent configuration, such that it could then start to serve applications... and start listening on ports, etc. True there might be more modules to be loaded or configured after that, but the point is to tell when the server is ready to start accepting work. There is a period while the server is starting, when it starts listening to http, but it is not ready to serve applications which have been configured to be deployed.
ya- that's a bug :-(

Anyways, I don't care too much what it is called... but I think that flag should be exposed as a simple Boolean on some common MBean.

That's a great idea!

Maybe its not the Kernel, as the kernel might be started, but the system might not be ready to serve my webapps or whatever. Having to pull in geronimo-kernel to perform a simple remote call to fetch a boolean is overkill... especially since that module has magical logging fluff that rudely overwrites configuration.

If we had a specialized MBean/GBean that just exposed the very common remote functionality via JMX directly then we would be in a very good position to keep tools (IDE plugins, maven plugins, etc) working even after we change the internals around. Such tools need an easy way to:

 * Detect when the server is started and ready to server applications
 * Shutdown

Probably some other things too...


david jencks


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