I keep hearing this question... I thought I had put out enough detail about GShell on the list months ago, but still there is some mystery about it. So I thought I would send out a simple terse explanation that sums it up.

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GShell allows users to telnet into a running Geronimo server and run some commands.

It includes a 'script' command which allows an arbitrary script (in any bsf supported language) to be executed... all _inside_ of Geronimo. Soon GShell will also support ssh (as soon as I can figure out how to make Jsch work as a server).

The framework to make the above command stuff work can also be used to implement simple pluggable tools for command-line use... and I would imagine that we could eventually change all of our command line bits to run from it (perhaps all except the server command). The nice thing here is that it is trivial to just "drop in" new commands with out needing more platform scripts and with out having to rewrite all of that icky main(String[]) handling muck... all with sexy readline-like buffer editing/history and tab completion (all of which provided by jline which kicks ass).

Eventually GShell will have a full expression parser very similar to Bash, but right now it is a tad primitive, but functional enough for compound expressions and variable expansion.

Okay, I gotta stop now or else this will turn into a novel...

So, I hope that helps explain what the mysterious GShell is... if not, let me know and I will revise my simple terse explanation so that it does.



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