Jacek Laskowski wrote:
On 10/5/06, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The following modules are currently included in micro-G.
What of these should we attempt to remove yet from micro-G?

Where are we heading with Micro-G? Do we want to strip off all
modules, but those that let us download plugins and enhance the
That's my goal. Just enough of the Geronimo framework to be able to deploy plugins.

It's not a kernel and neither is it a server. Should we call
it a container? A plugin container? Will it end up as a OSGi-like
container that understand GBean-based bundles? Some more help required
or my brain will melt down.
I couldn't quite decide what to call it either which is why I'm using the term "geronimo-framework" for the assembly. But I'm certainly open to other opinions. I don't envision this being something that the casual user would pick up directly. I image that we would still ship the full j2ee assembly and possibly even the minimal assembly. Micro-G would be available for more sophisticated users that wanted to build a custom image and for vendors who might pick up Micro-G, build their own custom image, and then add their own software for redistribution/sale.


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