Hi All,
In response to the following issue raised by David Jencks, I am thinking of changing the the implementation of Servlet and ServletStats (required by jsr77) for tomcat. The older implementation (GERONIMO-1035) will have 2 of each servlets! I am thinking of a ServletsHolder, which will be a container for all servlets of a WebModule. It will be a statistics provider. I think it is possible to set J2EEAppilcation and J2EEServer for modules, hence the servlets will have names like :
     Are there any problems with this approach?


2. We have 2 mbeans claiming to be the web module: one from our
gbean, which has no servlets, and one from tomcat, which actuallly
has the servlets. These have rather different naming policies. For
instance, the tomcat one has J2EEModule=//context-root whereas ours
has J2EEModule=jarname or configid/moduleId.

I'm tempted to make our gbean claim to be a WebModuleWrapper or
something like that so jsr-77 only finds one mbean/web module. I'd
like to get at least the J2EEApplication set correctly on the tomcat
mbeans and preferably get the WebModule to agree with our setting.

Comments? Other proposals?

david jencks

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