Hi Slava,
I agree with your thoughts. Daytrader as a appserver performance test suite is incomplete without having a way to drive load to it. I was contemplating the thought of writing a Java based standalone client to drive it, but haven't done that because of couple of afterthoughts. First was the time required to do that, second writing it in such a way that it remains configurable and extendable to suit different test scenarios.
The option of using an opensource load driver is definitely more appealing. Its the learning curve reqd to use them and then coming up with the scripts, but once someone does it for you and gives you a template its easy to take off with it. I am sure we can use the scripts as-is and if need be modify/augment it to suit individual testing needs. What kind of scenarios have you tested with JMeter?
Piyush Agarwal

On 10/24/06, Slava McDougald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

It is great to have the Daytrader sample in the Geronimo projects.
Daytrader is an end-to-end application that allows a full functional
testing of Geronimo as well as measuring the performance of the

However, in order to do a performance test, a users need to drive the
application with some kind of a load driving software.  And for that
they need to spend time and effort to develop scripts for driving the
sample.  Very often, they do not have the time or the desire to invest
in learning all the specifics about a new load driving tool and/or the
application just to be able to perform a test.  But if they are
provided will the scripts they will gladly use them.

I think that it would be very useful for both developers and users of
Daytrader to package the benchmark with scripts for load driving it.

There are a couple of load driving software project in the open source
arena that we can use for that purpose.  Recently, I looked into a
couple of them (for my own testing purposes).  I think that the Apache
Jackarta JMeter (http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/) would be suitable
choice for driving Daytrader.

Thoughts?  Suggestions?


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