Hi Jason,

I had a quick look at the AntHill console and it looked pretty cool. My initial thought was whether we would be discouraging potential ISVs to use Geronimo as a basis of their solutions by requiring them to license AntHill if they want to do their own automated builds/testing of Geronimo (e.g. so they can build and ship their own fix releases outside the Apache process). The AntHill site does not list prices, so I can't comment on what licensing of AntHill for a non-open source version of Geronimo would cost.

If we are always going to be able to build Geronimo and test it manually (without AntHill), then maybe it isn't such a biggie. Thought I'd raise it for discussion anyway.


Jason Dillon wrote:
Sorry, this has been long overdue. I've been working on some automation systems for Geronimo builds, including the basic server assemblies, cts assemblies, tck testsuite execution as well as soon to run our own testsuite.

I have used many different build automation platforms in the past... but IMO they all have some deficiency. Anyways, I elected to implement a solution using AntHill, who's publisher, Urbancode, has a policy to allow free usage for open-source projects (just like Atlassian's JIRA & Confluence).

I've set up the latest version of AntHill 3 on our gbuild hosts, and have been working on a configuration to allow reliable builds of Geronimo. One of the nice aspects of AntHill3 is its distributed agent system, which allows workload to be split up over a set of nodes. A downside to this is that it becomes more difficult to link Maven builds, as Maven uses a local repository cache for all integration points. But, I have gotten around this issue by having AH include all of the artifacts downloaded and produced by a build into a clean local repo by the target project which is building.

A nice side effect of this is that there is direct correlation between one build to another. And aside from any mystical SNAPSHOT mismatches (which I hope to get fixed soon with my mvn patch http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2681) it is fairly safe to say that artifacts generated/downloaded by one build will be used by a dependent build. The down side to this is that sometimes we have to ship about ~512mb of dependencies for larger builds (like the cts-server builds for the TCK which depend on all of the outputs of the server builds, which is a local repo cache of ~512mb).

An even nicer side effect to all of this, now that each build has a set of artifacts which can be retrieved by another process... we can then take a successful build of Geronimo and run our testsuite on it... either automatically or manually. And when the testsuite gets bigger and bigger, we can split up each of the suites and run each one a different system... or even on a different operating system or architecture.

Anyways... the options ahead of us are really interesting... and I believe that right now that AntHill3 is the best tool available to our community to build a really rich and powerful build automation system.

I am however still working out some of the kinks...

For example, to run our console-testsuite automatically on gbuild hosts, we need to setup a virtual X server for Firefox to connect to, which means we need to setup some tasks to execute Xfvb before tests and shut it down afterwards, as well as put firefox-bin on the path, etc. Minor issues, but still work left to be done.

If you'd like to take a peek, you can log into the AntHill console here:


Username: guest
Password: gbuild

(NOTE: This user will not be able to see any of the CTS or TCK related projects due to NDA mucky muck)

I hope to have this wrapped up for the main G server builds over the next few days, at which point I will enable the build status notifications to be sent to dev@ But right now since I am testing its probably not meaningful to send out those notifications.

But, I have found several build related issues from testing this system, which is usually performed off of a clean svn co with a clean mvn repo... so I'm confident that once its going that we will catch more errors faster, which will hopefully reduce build related errors for the masses.

 * * *

Anyways, right now I have builds setup for:

    Genesis - trunk
    Specs - trunk
    Geronimo Components (stage=bootstrap) - trunk & 1.2
    OpenEJB 2 - trunk & 2.2
    Geronimo Server (stage=assemble) - trunk & 1.2
    Geronimo CTS 1.2

As noted above, these builds use the exact outputs from one build in another, not using a shared local repo, so there is less chance that other builds will cause mvn to behave strangely (or stranger than it already does).

I have started working on a workflow to run the server/testsuite/* modules on "Geronimo Server" outputs, which should be closer to being finished early next week.

Some of these projects, those that generate Surefire reports, will have a "Surefire_Report" attached to the buildlife. This is a consolidated report of all the tests for that project. For example the last build of specs trunk, had 300 tests (all passed).

NOTE: Screen shots attached, as currently the state of the install may change as I configure to validate the setup.

You can also see & download any of the outputs of the build.

 * * *

Anyways, as mentioned this all needs a little bit more love to be more of the perfect build automation system which was what I have been really trying to put together for our community.

Should have at the very least, nightly deploys of SNAPSHOTs hooked up for G projects by early next week. Then nightly website updates, and then automated testsuite & tck bits will follow shortly afterwards... and eventually, we could also use AH to generate the RC and release builds, so that all builds are generated from the same environment. But probably sooner than that, we can promote G server builds that pass the TCK or our Testsuite, so that the exact binaries used to build the CTS server or run the testsuite can be used by others for more validation.

I will send out email again later, with some brief wiki docs on what all this AH jargon is, and how to spin off builds with a few clicks.


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