On 12/8/06, Bish, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

AFAIK the activemq-cpp message do properly send the persistant flag.

Can you create a small test app that demonstrates to problem?

yes. my test code is just a copy of main.cpp from the example.

run method looks like:

   virtual void run() {
       try {
           // Open test message file
           FILE *fd;
           if ( (fd = fopen(messageFile.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) {
               cout<<"Error: Can't open file: "<<messageFile<<endl;

           ActiveMQConnectionFactory* connectionFactory = new
           // Create a Connection
           connection = connectionFactory->createConnection();
           // Create a Session
           session = connection->createSession( Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE

           // Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
           destination = session->createQueue( "TEST.FOO" );

           // Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Topic or
           producer = session->createProducer( destination );
           producer->setDeliveryMode( DeliveryMode::PERSISTANT );

           // Create the Thread Id String
           string threadIdStr = Integer::toString( Thread::getId() );

           // Create a messages
           string texts = (string)"<START_PERFORM_TEST>";
           string texte = (string)"<END_PERFORM_TEST>";
           TextMessage* message_s = session->createTextMessage(
string(texts) );

           producer->send( message_s );
           delete message_s;

           char * line = NULL;
           size_t len = 0;
           ssize_t read;
           for( int ix=0; ix<numMessages; ++ix ){
               while((read = getline(&line,&len,fd)) != -1) {
               //TextMessage* message = session->createTextMessage( text );
               TextMessage* message = session->createTextMessage(
string(line) );

               // Tell the producer to send the message
               //printf( "Sent message from thread %s\n", threadIdStr.c_str()
               producer->send( message );

               delete message;

           TextMessage* message_e = session->createTextMessage(
string(texte) );
           producer->send( message_e );
           delete message_e;


      }catch ( CMSException& e ) {

What are the steps you are currently following in both cases?  Are you
sending messages with the C++ client and they are not persistant when
you restart and connect a C++ client back to the broker, or have you
tried sending a message persistantly with C++ and then connecting back
with a Java client to see if that gets the messages that should have
been persisted?

I used the cpp code above to send some messages. And they are gone after I
restart the broker. I tried to use cpp consumer to get those messages.
Actually, I don't need to restart the message to see if it is consistent or
not.  If i send enough message to the broker, jconsole says
MemoryPercentageUsed: 100. and I got this:
activemq::io::SocketOutputStream::write - Resource temporarily unavailable -
tid: 3085880224
       FILE: activemq/network/SocketOutputStream.cpp, LINE: 85 - tid:
       FILE: activemq/connector/stomp/StompCommandWriter.cpp, LINE: 101 -
tid: 3085880224
       FILE: ./activemq/transport/ResponseCorrelator.h, LINE: 163 - tid:
caught unknown exception - tid: 3085880224
       FILE: activemq/connector/stomp/StompConnector.cpp, LINE: 466 - tid:
       FILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQSession.cpp, LINE: 495 - tid: 3085880224
       FILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQProducer.cpp, LINE: 89 - tid: 3085880224
       FILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQProducer.cpp, LINE: 71 - tid: 3085880224
caught unknown exception
       FILE: activemq/connector/stomp/StompConnector.cpp, LINE: 466
       FILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQSession.cpp, LINE: 495
       FILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQProducer.cpp, LINE: 89
       FILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQProducer.cpp, LINE: 71




> -----Original Message-----
> From: amq user [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 2:10 PM
> To: activemq-dev
> Subject: active-cpp persistent problem
> I'm struggling with persistent option in activemq-cpp client. (my java
> client does the trick)
> part of my code looks like:
> producer->setDeliveryMode( DeliveryMode::PERSISTANT );
> The problem is after I send a message, and stop the broker. The
message is
> gone.
> If I send a lot of message exceeding the memory size the broker
handles, I
> got resource unavailable exception.
> It looks to me the message I send over using cpp doesn't instruct the
> broker
> to use persistent.
> I'm using ActiveMQ 4.0.2, and activemq-cpp-1.0.
> Please help. What else should I check. Did I miss anything?
> Thanks

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