Hi All,
I have two basic comments/questions.

1- I see a bunch of INFO messages in both Tomcat and Jetty at startup, not a 
show stopper for this release.

2- Deployment on Jetty is not behaving exactly as I expected. Not sure if I 
messed up the dep plans given the new specs, however this same WAR works just 
fine with Tomcat.
In Jetty I deploy a WAR and when I access the app it will list the content of the 
WAR, if I click on the JSP it will work fine. Something like not following the 
web.xml <welcome-file> maybe? The context-root is correct.

Am I missing anything obvious?


Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I have prepared 2.0-M1 for release. Of course all the hard work was done by the lot of y'all :)

I have tested DayTrader 2.0-SNAPSHOT on this build and I'm satisfied with the results. All modes of operation functioned well (SLSB, Direct, EJB and JPA). I toned all the logs down to error to not overwhelm the users with lots of diagnostic output (they can always turn it up later if they want.)

The uploads are taking forever so you'll see some piece parts trickle in. For the review I expect you'll want to focus on http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/2.0-M1 as this contains the assemblies for your review and testing. I've included both Tomcat and Jetty as well as the minimal and j5ee assemblies. The source code is also there.

Note that if you are planning on building you'll need to obtain the openejb-2.2-incubating jars to your local repo. The easiest way to do this is to modify the root pom and add a repository for David's home directory at http://people.apache.org/~dblevins/stage/.

For SNAPSHOTs of certain plugins I have resolved these files to the most recent SNAPSHOT date / timestamp. I'm pulling a copy of these and will be putting them into our SVN for folks who may want to build in the future. I'm not too concerned about repeatability as this Milestone will be superseded at the end of January with the next version.

The other MAven artifacts will be trickling onto people across my horribly slow home pipe and dropped into http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/stage over the next few hours.

Please review and cast your vote early. The faster we determine this build is good or if there is an issue the better.

Thanks in advance for all your help in this effort.

This vote will conclude at 0400 ET on Dec 21 (unless all you PMC members vote quicker :)

If a respin is is necessary this vote will be suspended and a new one will start.

Matt Hogstrom

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