Encouraged by your kind words of appreciation for the Testsuite
framework, I put together a similar Samples Framework.


UseCase Scenario 1
Actor: Geronimo user, JEE5 Developer.

  * Actor wants to learn the new features of JEE5 by looking at sample code
  * He wants to play with sample code.
  * He wants to learn how to develop applications on Geronimo.
  * He may want to use the sample code as a template for his own application.

Flow A (install downloaded sample binary)
  * Actor downloads a Geronimo server binary  and unpacks it.
  * He then downloads a sample binary.
  * He starts Geronimo server.
  * He then deploys the sample artifact into running server.
  * He goes to the sample app's home page (context-root).

Flow B: (build sample source and install)
  * Actor downloads a sample source package.
  * He installs Maven if he doesn't have it already.
  * He builds the sample project using maven.
  * Sample project automatically downloads the latest Geronimo
server, starts it, and deploys the newly built sample.
  * It fires up a browser and brings up the sample home page  (not
implemented yet).

See the following links in Firefox only !
Here is a page that gives a user instructions on working with samples.
Every sample download will also have a customized & relevant page like
this, say as a README.html

Here is a sample sample page. Notice the javadoc and source tabs in
the top right corner of the page.

UseCase Scenario 2
Actor: Geronimo Developer, JEE5 Spec Implementor

Interactions: Document Writer.

  * Actor wants to create sample projects quickly without having to
deal too much with Maven.

  * Actor executes a sample-archetype-plugin.
  * It creates a mvn project which will act as a template.
  * He only has to write JEE5 code for the sample application.
  * He then works with Document Writer to write the sample document.


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