The only concern, would be that we need multiple Geronimo commiters with commit and release access to the dependent Mojo project, so we don't lie in limbo when we need fixes/changes made to the plugin to support new build requirements....


Jason Dillon wrote:
Folks, I'm thinking about moving the plugin-support module out of Genesis and into the Mojo project. A few plugins I maintain there already use some parts of this, but the classes were simply duplicated.

I'm also planning on updating the groovy-maven-plugin at the Mojo project to have the same features as the script-maven-plugin from Genesis, and that plugin uses a quite a bit of the support fluff in plugin-support. I've talked to Jeff already about this and he seems fine with it.

Does anyone object to moving these bits to the Mojo project? I'm actually working on this at the moment, but if there are objections I will stop and we can discus more if needed.


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