Oh... I didn't even realize you guys are targeting JAX-WS 2.1. Now,
I'm not sure how that affects things.


On 3/1/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm happy to revert the change, but I think that we ultimately need it. I
believe we're targeting JAX-WS 2.1 (we switched the API jar the other day),
and that requires JAXB 2.1. There are many benefits from a user perspective
in 2.1. For isntance it has a lot better functionality for things like WS-A
and also makes it easier for people to use substitution types, which
requires all sorts of hacks right now.

Is Geronimo just looking to release JAX-WS 2.0 support or 2.1? Any idea if
its possible to certify Geronimo with 2.1? Or does certification require 2.0?
I'm not sure what the status is of the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK either.

- Dan

(I CC'd [EMAIL PROTECTED] in, hope thats ok)

On 2/28/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again,
> CXF code was recently upgraded to JAXB 2.1 and so I tired to figure
> out what sort of implications that might have on Geronimo. First of
> all, JAXB is one of those libraries that is shared by all applications
> in the Geronimo server. We also have a bunch of different components
> using JAXB to do deployment descriptor parsing, etc. So if we upgrade
> JAXB in G, we have to retest all these subcomponents to make sure they
> are ok. And I think in general  that should be ok but potentially time
> consuming. Another potential issue that somebody raised was TCK
> testing. We don't know what happens if for example TCK expects JAXB
> 2.0 API but gets JAXB 2.1 API/implementation. Maybe nothing (as things
> supposed to be backwards compatible) but maybe it blows up. That's
> another thing for us to worry about.
> So, if this JAXB upgrade is not a critical issue for CXF would it be
> possible to switch back to JAXB 2.0?
> Thanks,
> Jarek

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions
http://envoisolutions.com | http://netzooid.com/blog

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