Hi Folks,

I noticed some in consistencies in the Geronimo console when it comes to Jetty & Tomcat environments while we are creating HTTPS listeners (two different UIs). Tomcat GUI support both PKCS12 and JKS key stores while Jetty only supports JKS (there are some other differences too). Is there any reason behind this kind of change? Can't we use the same GUI for this kind of activity because it will give G user same environment whether it is Tomcat or Jetty ?

Also in Tomcat HTTPS listener supports PKCS12 key store type G currently only supports JKS type. Can't we add the PKCS12 in to the G key stores since it is more industry standard when it comes to key stores than JKS? I remembered using bouncy castle as security provider with PKCS12 sometime back without any issues ;-) . Any insight would be greatly appriciated.

I would like to spend some of my time on these issues if there is no big technical (also legal) barrier associated with it :-) .


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