Some good points.  See inline
On Apr 18, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

Is this not a disaster waiting to happen?

Isn't everything we do a disaster waiting to happen :)

Do we really need to include this package just for usage by the following? modules\geronimo-deploy-tool\src\main\java\org\apache\geronimo \deployment\cli\

From their website -
" JLine is not 100% pure Java. On Windows, it relies on a .dll file to initialize the terminal to be able to accept unbuffered input. However, no installation is necessary for this: when initialized, JLine will dynamically extract the DLL to a temporary directory and load it. For more details, see the documentation for the jline.WindowsTerminal class.

On UNIX systems (including Macintosh OS X), JLine will execute the stty command to initialize the terminal to allow unbuffered input. For more details, see the documentation for the jline.UnixTerminal class.

For both Windows and UNIX systems, JLine will fail to initialize if it is run inside a strict security manager that does not allow the loading of libraries, writing to the file system, or executing external programs. However, for most console applications, this is usually not the case. "

This was discussed previously and based on the usage it seemed like a reasonable approach. If someone has an all Java alternative that would be excellent. Rather than speculate on where things might fail I'd rather since it hasn't broken anything (yet) I think it would be better to focus on the specific areas where it is broken. To date I'm unaware of any.


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