On Jun 11, 2007, at 10:51 AM, Paul McMahan wrote:

On Jun 11, 2007, at 1:07 PM, David Jencks wrote:

Servlet: -1 unless someone can explain why its ok to include the sun explanatory comments in javax/servlet/resources/web- app_2_2.dtd and javax/servlet/resources/web-app_2_5.xsd. Also scm section is missing in pom

I mentioned earlier that we could switch over to tomcat's JSP and EL specs when they publish their next stable release (probably 6.0.14) to maven central. But I think we should be able to use their current version of the servlet spec because last time I took a look it passed all tests.

Their spec jar contains the same XSDs with the suspicious "explanatory comments" that you object to in geronimo's copy, so I don't know if using their copy instead of releasing our own addresses your concerns.

No, and I'm reluctant to use their copies in the future if the origin and acceptability of these explanatory comments is not explicitly elucidated. I apologize for not bringing this up earlier, but I forgot about the issue until I was reviewing the proposed release jars.

david jencks

Just wanting to get this option out on the table.

Best wishes,

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