
  I make a change in the  portOffset value in the
config-substitutions.properties. Lets suppose portOffset=1. Then I use
Eclipse to start the server. Server fails to start, but when I start the
server from <Geronimo_home>/bin/startup.bat it starts fine.
These are my observations for the same

1)While we configure Eclipse to add a new server. It takes the values for
web connector and RMI naming as 8080 and 1099. Now when I change the Web
Connector=8080+portOffset=8081 and RMI naming port=1099+portOffset=1100 in
eclipse. I use eclipse to start the server. Server starts fine. Moreover all
the modules also start with Offset of 1 from the default value. Donot know
how it happens?

2)How does eclipse pick which modules to start in what port. I guess it
takes the config.xml . But in AG 2.0 there are no explicit values mentioned
in config.xml. So where does it pick the values from. I am not sure whether
it refers to config-substitutions.properties. If it refers to
config-substitutions.properties then why the server does not start in the
first case.

I am confused about this. Is this a bug?


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