Thanks Paul for such detailed explanation, I still have a lot to learn on the 
plugin architecture.


Paul McMahan wrote:
Hernan, what you are seeing is expected and is a side effect of the way that we test release candidates [1]. For a given geronimo release there are three parts of the plugin system that need to be tested:

1.) the plugin installer
2.) the plugins
3.) the plugin catalog

Right now the 2.0 plugin catalog points at the 2.0-SNAPSHOT plugins because those are the only ones available in a public maven repo. This allows us to test if #1 (the plugin installer) can do its job correctly. And as you have found the plugins are downloaded and installed correctly.

But in order for us to properly test #2 and #3 we need for the plugins to be deployed to a maven repo. Here is a chicken and egg problem, because the plugins are not deployed until the release candidate has passed its vote. So, unless we decide to change our plugin infrastructure to be less dependent on maven, or change the way we test release candidates we will need to sometimes overlook the type of error you saw where the plugin is downloaded and installed OK but it won't start due to some incompatibility with the server. I try to remember to point out during a vote that some plugins (which are usually SNAPSHOT) may not work in the release candidate [2].

After a release candidate has passed its vote and its plugins are deployed I usually update the catalog to point at the "real" plugins. The catalog is maintained online at, so we can update that outside of the release process. But there is a bit of finger crossing going on here since the plugins themselves are part of the officially released bits and have already been deployed. If they don't work then we may have to crank out another release or remove them from the catalog.

So far we have considered the risk of releasing broken plugins as necessary due to the amount of overhead in the release process [3]. As some aspects of our server such as the console move towards relying on the plugin system for core functionality we may need to revisit what's in the release candidate and/or how we vote on it.

Best wishes,


On Aug 16, 2007, at 10:30 AM, Hernan Cunico wrote:

Anybody seeing plugin issues, specially when starting them?
Could it be a versioning problem, I get similar errors on both Jetty and Tomcat

- Unable to start configuration org.apache.geronimo.configs
- org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Unknown start exception - org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException: Getter method not found Attribute Name: URLFor, Type: class, GBeanInstance: Jetty WebApplication Context


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Initial discuss thread

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