On Sep 12, 2007, at 7:44 AM, Jacek Laskowski wrote:

On 9/8/07, Paul McMahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I raised a concern about moving trunk to sandbox since it's the only
branch that contains the annotation support needed by Geronimo.  A
committer responded that he will think about maintaining a "patchset"
with this annotation support.  See http://tinyurl.com/2enw25

How can we work it around? Shall we put Tomcat codebase into our repo
and maintain ourselves or start the G-T integration over with the
newest trunk bits?

Well, we already use a patched version of Tomcat and distribute the binary in our repository dir. There was discussion about releasing a suitably named binary (rather than maintaining in our svn tree). Don't think that anyone has tackled this, yet.

Continuing on this patch should give the Tomcat community time to make amends...


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