Need to be more specific on the Eclipse package that users need, now that there are 5 different distros -

> 1 -- Europa (also known as Eclipse 3.3), which is platform specific
1 -- Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (Europa v3.3 or later)

Also, by prereqing WTP 2.0.1, I think it requires newer levels of the all the packages, based on the current prereq levels listed for WTP 2.0.1 RC1 at the top of the following download page -

Which means its targeted to Eclipse 3.3.1 which is supposed to ship by end of Sept.


Ted Kirby wrote:
Looks good.  Thanks Tim.
Attached are some minor updates/feedback on your instructions.

On 9/12/07, Tim McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Start of discussion thread.....
Tim McConnell

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