On Sep 24, 2007, at 3:03 PM, David Jencks wrote:

On Sep 20, 2007, at 8:56 AM, Anita Kulshreshtha wrote:

I am leaning towards deploying MEJB as an EJBModule. To auto deploy
this I will be adding an mejb config. Are there any objections?

no :-)

I've been wondering if we should try to separate mejb security from other security somehow and thought perhaps we should use a GeronimoGroupPrincipal named mejb or mejb-admin. I think this would make it easier to e.g. give someone access to the web console but not the mejb or vice-versa. If we wanted to be even fancier we could try mejb-read and mejb-write.

Would this improve modularity or just create more difficult configuration?

I'm not sure about improving "modularity", but it seems useful. I'd definitely advocate an mejb-specific group. Separation of read/write selectivity seems less important and, I would assume, harder to do...


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