Hi Gianny,

Lots of newbie questions from me. I'm not even going to pretend that I understand your clustering changes just yet ... so please bear with me. I just want to point out a few things that I noticed with a single server instance and get your take on them.

1) Deploying a simple web app. I deployed a simple snoop.war web app without a plan to a Jetty server image using the command line. It ended up deploying 2 configurations based upon the output messages. Based on your description I think this is correct but from a user perspective it seems confusing and wrong. I hadn't configured anything for clustering and I was only deploying 1 thing. I expected to see results of just 1 configID for the deployed item. Perhaps everything would have been fine if I had used a plan but I don't think we can assume that users will always use a plan. Here are the messages that were output:
    Completed with id default/snoop/1194895785124/war
    Completed with id default/snoop/1194895785559/war
    Deployed default/snoop/1194895785124/war to

    @ /snoop
    Deployed default/snoop/1194895785559/war to

    @ /snoop

2) Undeploy? What would I undeploy if I wanted to undo what I just did? Do I need to undeploy each configuration individually? What do you think about leaving the current deploy capability as is and adding new commands/functions when deploying into a cluster so as not to confuse users in the more simple case without clustering?

3) Web Console. From the web console instead of 1 configuration I initially expected, or the 2 configurations indicated in the messages at deploy time ... I actually see 3 configurations (2 of them started and 1 stopped ... now I'm even more confused ;- ) ):
  - default/snoop/1194895785124/war  started
  - default/snoop/1194895785559/war  started
  - default/snoop/1194895785702/war  stopped
Again, I'm not sure how the user is supposed to manage/interpret this. It seems that if we implement these concepts there are a number of comparable console and cli changes that will be necessary to manage the multiple CARs in a clustered scenario. Is there anyway we can keep the single server use cases intact until we have those capabilities?

4) TCK for Jetty is toast. I started to play with the individual server because when I attempted to run Jetty TCK tests everything was failing with lifeCycleExceptions. I image that we need to rework some of the tck for this change. We might be able to avoid that if we can keep the single server use cases unchanged. If that isn't possible will you be looking into the necessary TCK changes?


Gianny Damour wrote:

I have just checked in support for distribution of configurations to clusters and also management, i.e. start/stop, of such clustered deployments.

I will try to explain how everything hangs together so that people can jump in, provide feedback, request enhancements etc.

There is now a secondary configuration store:
org.apache.geronimo.configs/clustering/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=org.apache.geronimo.configs/clustering/2.1-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=ConfigurationStore,name=MasterConfigurationStore which is a configuration store, which is aware of the cluster members statically configured by users (more on this later). Its responsibilities are:
* (un)installation of configurations on cluster members; and
* creation of "master" configurations defining GBeans able to remote start and stop a given configuration on a specific cluster member.

Here is what happens when a configuration, e.g. groupId/artifactId/2.0/car, is distributed to this store: 1. The usual configuration processing is executed. This results into a backed configuration, i.e. with its associated GBeans, ready to be installed by the clustered store. 2. The clustered store uploads the backed configuration to the registered cluster members, which subsequently locally install them. If the "remote" installation fails for one of the members, then the clustered store removes the configuration from all the members having successfully installed it so far.
3. The clustered store installs the configuration locally.
4. The clustered store creates from scratch a master configuration, e.g. groupId/artifactId_G_MASTER/2.0/car. This master configuration is made of GBeans, one for each member, which can remote start or stop the configuration on a given member: when the master configuration starts, its GBeans start, which in turn remote start the configuration on a given member. In order to be able to start the master configuration without all the members up, these GBeans "fail" silently when a remote start fails. However, as these GBeans expose startConfiguration and stopConfiguration managed operations, it is pretty easy to remote start a configuration on a given member later via JMX. As expected, when the master configuration is stopped, its GBeans stop, which in turn remote stop the configurations.

The clustered store relies on the static configuration of cluster members. This static configuration MUST be done within org.apache.geronimo.configs/clustering//car as nodes must be registered before the start of any master configurations. Indeed, master configurations are injected with this static cluster configuration to retrieve the necessary JMX connection info to connect and cluster members and remote start/stop configurations.

At step 3. of the above deployment process, I wrote that the configuration is locally installed, i.e. into the clustered configuration store. At this stage, this is pretty much useless; however, I believe that keeping a carbon-copy of the configuration in the master repository may become quite handy. For instance, within the master configuration, we could add a GBean able to upload on demand this configuration to a given member. This way, when you add a new member to an existing clustered deployment, you simply need to add a new GBean to remote start/stop the configuration on this new member and upload the configuration to this new member via the utility GBean.

Hope the above is clear enough.

I will comment the org.apache.geronimo.configs/clustering//car deployment plan as there are new GBeans declarations not too obvious to understand without reading the code.

Following this, I will move to the remote start/stop of Geronimo instances from a single Geronimo server. This should provide a set of administration GBeans admin console people may want to leverage to improve the remote management of Geronimo instances. These GBeans will talk to GShell instances and send arbitrary groovy scripts for execution within GShells.

Meanwhile, if people are interested by working on the clustering of Tomcat or OpenEJB via WADI, then please reply as I am keen and happy to provide help. One of those two new features will be the next stuff I will work on after completion of the above management enhancement.


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