I guess you could write a ModuleBuilderExtension that modified web.xml to add the filter and appropriate filter mapping. I think you'd need to do the work in the initContext method. I'm not sure if I'd call this method "good" or not but its all I can think of right now.

In the createModule method you can add the jar containing your filter to the dependencies so the web app can actually find the filter...

hope this helps
david jencks

On Nov 29, 2007, at 9:05 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

Is there some good way to insert a filter/interceptor into the web
container request processing chain that would work for both Tomcat and
Jetty?  For example, let's say you wanted to apply some particular
request validation/auditing functionality to every application,
without changing the application configuration (e.g. without updating
web.xml).  It would be easy to write a little request filter or
interceptor to do it -- I'm just not sure what the best way is to hook
that in so it gets executed, and whether we have common
filters/interceptors for Tomcat and Jetty or whether you'd have to do
something different for each.


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