
Currently the monitoring client is using Dojo 0.4.3 charting, which does not necessarily behave as expected on Firefox/Safari on a mac, or on IE6 on Windows. I consider this to be a shortcoming, and given the new version of Dojo available (1.0.1), began investigating migrating the monitoring client over to the new version of Dojo, only to find that the new version of dojo appears to be a significant rewrite of the old code base, leaving out some features that I consider to be very visually pleasing and important for statistics viewing. While rummaging through the Dojo forums, I stumbled upon another Javascript graphing framework called Timeplot, which is part of the SIMILE project at MIT, and while this has it's own set of limitations... I'm trying to figure out the lesser of three evils before it comes a time that this monitoring plugin will be released, so that I have enough time (read: 3-5 days) to migrate the javascript generation over to something new if necessary.

I have created a small demonstration page that shows all three options graphed with the same data series, as well as weighing some of the advantages/disadvantages I could come up with,
Please have a look, and let me know your thoughts.

Personally, I think it would be really cool if we could use the Timeplot graphing libraries, as it is all BSD licensed and therefore friendly I believe (right, Kevan?)... and also EXTREMELY cool for showing multiple data series in one chart.

Erik B. Craig

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