I just built the latest 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT code (r619588) online and then again offline successfully via -
   mvn install -Dtest=false -o
If you still have problems, please keep this thread alive....


toby cabot wrote:
Hi Folks,

I'm trying to gather the set of code and dependencies to build
Geronimo 2.0.2.  I'd like to end up with all of the bits that I need
to build 2.0.2 without accessing the internet next week, next month,
etc, and end up with the same image.

Donald and Iain on the user list helped me with the config-magic to
convince Maven to stay local, so now I've got a maven repo with *only*
the deps that 2.0.2 needs to build.  If I do an online build
everything works great, Maven copies the deps from that tree to my
user repo and the build succeeds.

Here's the problem: if I try to do an offline build the next day I get
an error about a missing jar and the build fails.

1) org.apache.ws.scout:jaxr-api:jar:SNAPSHOT
Path to dependency: 1) org.apache.geronimo.modules:geronimo-webservices:jar:2.0.2
        2) org.apache.ws.scout:scout:jar:1.0rc1
        3) org.apache.ws.scout:jaxr-api:jar:SNAPSHOT

Evidently the SNAPSHOT keyword tells Maven "refuse to build until
you've checked whether there's a newer version online".

What's the Geronimo project's goal vis-a-vis repeatably building
Geronimo releases in the future?  As it stands, the 2.0.2 I build
today won't necessarily be the same as the one I build tomorrow since
Maven will aggressively bring new versions of jaxr-api (and maybe
others) into my build environment unless I crowbar Maven to think it's
online when it really isn't.

If bit-for-bit repeatability is a non-goal that's cool, I'll hack on
my internal repo metadata until Maven thinks that it's locked in
place.  If it is I'll try to figure out how to "lock down" the
dependencies so they don't change.


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