On Feb 11, 2008, at 7:16 AM, Shiva Kumar H R wrote:

I went through following tutorials of JAXB & XMLBeans:
  a) Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)
  b) Tutorial: First Steps with XMLBeans

Also searched for comparisons btw them. Latest one I could find is the following blog from Jan'2005: http://technology.amis.nl/blog/? p=321

I am yet to see the value add JAXB brings over XMLBeans. Am I missing something?

My $0.02:

xmlbeans is a complete and accurate representation of the xml infoset. As a result, you can easily manipulate the xml, but you get a slightly peculiar java object model that exactly represents the schema and cannot be modified.

jaxb is focussed on the java pojos and lets you modify the pojos considerably from the xml while still providing accurate mapping. This can be much more convenient for directly constructing a pojo tree from xml suitable for configuring server components. It provides fewer validity checks than xmlbeans.

Openejb is using jaxb and I think their deployment code is pretty simple for the complexity they have to deal with.

david jencks

On Feb 11, 2008 4:44 PM, Shiva Kumar H R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Despite my liking for xmlbeans and its unique strengths I think a very strong argument can be made for moving the deployer code to jaxb. Interesting!! Let me do some quick learning of jaxb and start a separate thread on this.

david jencks

On Feb 8, 2008, at 12:30 AM, Shiva Kumar H R wrote:

2) Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in (GEP):
    a) Model framework for Geronimo deployment plans:
Currently it is EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework). With every update to Geronimo deployment schema, it's a major pain to generate new EMF classes. If however, GEP uses the same model framework as that of Geronimo server (XMLBeans), then at least this problem would be solved. IIUC JSR-88 DConfigBeans would be the ideal model framework for GEP - in that case even if the model framework of server changes in future, GEP would be unaffected.




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