Are you proposing this "in addition to" or "instead of" the current Downloads link under Overview on the left?

If we do add or replace the link I think it should continue to point to the overall download page:


Jason Dillon wrote:
I think that the main G page ( ) is missing a rather large nice looking "Download" button. I think it would fit really nicely under the big G logo.

IMO it would be good if this link took you directly to the latest releases download page, that being here right now:

And somewhat related the "Java EE 5 Certified" section for downloads seems a bit crunched up the by text on the right. I've got a 30" display and a*reasonable* size browser screen and it still is hard to read.

I'd like to see that "Apache Geronimo v2.1.3 have passed..." text below the table, above "Download Sample ..." which should really help:

 * * *

Anyways, its not like its hard to find Downloads, then under Latest Release -> Apache Geronimo v2.1.3 Release...

Its just that it seems like the *norm* for sites to include that big-ass overpowering "Download" button on the first page that users see to take them directly to the page where they get the good stuff.

Also, somewhat related... might confuse some users as to which distribution they should download... TAR or ZIP? Jetty or Tomcat... JavaEE or Little... wtf... which one... okay screw it I'll go look at...

I know a lot of us know how to find what we want... and IMO the site is tailored to that (short of the icky formatting noted above, I had to read the thing a few times to find the right dist). But is the site really for you or me? ie.... non-average joes (and no plumber comments here please)? I don't think it is... the main goal besides providing a consistent navigable informative experience is to make it fricken simple for anyone to quickly grab a copy of G and play with it.

IMO the site right now doesn't do that... but I'd like to see it. Say I'm a virgin user, heard about this cool free G-thing... so I go hit the website. I really don't care about *anything* short of how do I download the *right* version, install it and start to play with it, so I can then go to my boss and say hey look at this cool stuff we can use.

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Basically, if we can make a Download button on the main page, which takes the user to an uber simple page with the link to the dist they want, it could help a lot. That page should have a link to the suggested download, and then a page to the current release page in case they want more options.

Can't decide if its jetty or tomcat? Well make it random them, cause they both work the same... but IMO the added option just confuses people. After they understand more by playing with it they will get that the web stuff is pluggable or they won't care and keep using whatever we suggested (randomly) for them.

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Confluence driven site does present some issues here, but we can create a custom usermacro to handle so Its definitely possible.

Okay... me shuts up now... hope y'all didn't tune out... I think this is important, even though my ranting style might be hard for some to grok.



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