My apologies, I need to cancel this vote again. Somehow, the updates I made to the NOTICE.vm and LICENSE.vm files never made it into the svn repository, so the released version is the same as the original bad one. I will stage a revote on both this and the jstl bundles.


On 4/27/2010 10:58 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:
This is a re-vote for the release of the jaxb-impl bundle required for Geronimo 3.0-M1 caused by a problem with the LICENSE and NOTICE files. This has been removed from the group vote on the bundles release and resumitted for a vote.

The RAT and IANAL plugins have been run against this. The tag svn versions have been successfully built.

The component up for vote is:


 Vote will be open for 72 hours.

 [ ] +1  approve
 [ ] +0  no opinion
 [ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)

Staging repo:

The three source repos is:


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