I have prepared a patch on http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/TQL-27 which removes 
all Java 6 specific methods and compiles nicely with Java 1.5. Unfortunately I 
currently can not test the resulting jars (the junit tests run nicely).


Am 09.11.10 10:44, schrieb Forrest Xia:

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 11:14 AM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com 
<mailto:david_jen...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    We could do that, but the main problem at the moment is that I don't have 
an environment that runs java 1.5 and any such branch would need one for me to 
be able to release it.  Does anyone know if any sql drivers are actually 
updated with the new java 6 sql features?

I checked DB2, Oracle, postgreSQL, MySQL, and Informix jdbc driver, and all of 
them were compiled with java 1.4. Even for derby driver, I don't see java 6 
used. So I think the current jdbc drivers that tranql depends on has no java 6 
feature used.

    david jencks

I made a local branch from rev 799, excludes rev 800 and 801 but include 802 
and 803, it can be built with java 5. After compiled into G 2.1.7 snapshot, the 
connector function seems work well.

I am not sure if we can make a branch from rev 799, and apply 802 and 803 to 
make a tranql release for G 2.1.7 release. If doable, I would volunteer to make 
that release :-)


Johannes Weberhofer
Weberhofer GmbH, Austria, Vienna

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