On Apr 17, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Kevin Sutter <kwsut...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any activity in the Geronimo community to create and house the API 
> jar files for Java EE 7 technologies, just like we've had available in the 
> past with previous spec levels?  Is this work has already been started, could 
> you point me at the JIRA or wiki or whatever is tracking this piece of work?  
> If the work hasn't been started, how should we kickstart this activity?
> The Java EE 7 family of specifications is very near to being finalized.  It 
> would be great to have these API jar files available for those projects that 
> will be implementing the specifications.  And, I think the Geronimo project 
> is a great holding place.  Not that the Geronimo team has to do all the work, 
> but it would be good to have a central project.

Hi Kevin,
Yes, there has been some work/discussion. Mark Struberg mentioned that he was 
going to start work on commons-annotation-1.2. 

I haven't seen any concerted effort to start building all Java 7 specs. Nor any 
effort to track Java 7 spec creation. A Jira with sub-tasks is probably a good 
way to start. Perhaps you want to give it a try? (Since it seems you may have 
an itch… ;-)


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