Btw, I DO have karma to do releases in microprofile ;)


> Am 04.06.2018 um 09:57 schrieb Romain Manni-Bucau <>:
> Well b doesn't solve 3, any way we get karma to do the releases? This would 
> solve that neatly.
> Romain Manni-Bucau
> @rmannibucau |  Blog | Old Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Book
> Le lun. 4 juin 2018 à 09:52, Mark Struberg <> a écrit :
> All fair points, but 
> a.) I don't want to host org.eclipse sources at Apache
> b.) We can just ship a PR to add those features over there
> c.) point 4 should not be the case.
> So I'd vote -1
> LieGrue,
> strub
> > Am 04.06.2018 um 09:09 schrieb Romain Manni-Bucau <>:
> > 
> > Hi guys,
> > 
> > we have 4 MP implementations I think (failsafe, config, jwt-auth and 
> > opentracing) and 2 of them reused eclipse api jar and 2 uses a geronimo 
> > flavor.
> > 
> > I'd like us to discuss which flavor we want to align all of them.
> > 
> > The fact to reuse the API reduces the code we hosts which is not bad but 
> > has these drawbacks:
> > 
> > 1. when a loader is involved we can't enhance it for our consumers (like 
> > aries) to be compatible with other mecanism than plain java standalone (+ 
> > standard java(ee) mecanism like lib/<spec>.properties which is sometimes 
> > used in users land)
> > 2. geronimo always provided a good entry point to be OSGi friendly. I saw 
> > that some MP@eclipse jar provided some OSGi work but they rely on a 
> > dependency we don't want in all not OSGi apps + they don't embrace what our 
> > consumers do (spifly+javacontract we will merge soon)
> > 3. it is very slow to have an eclipse release (opentracing and jwt auth 
> > were a pain and even led to use tck in snapshot to launch the release after 
> > having waited weeks)
> > 4. if there is some default hardcoded (dont think it is the case yet but it 
> > can likely be appended in 1 to be consistent with the javaee/jakartaee 
> > behavior) then we will want to put our default and not the RI one
> > 
> > At the end the cost to have the spec jar is almost nothing to not say 
> > really nothing so I'm in favor of ensuring we always host it.
> > 
> > Romain Manni-Bucau
> > @rmannibucau |  Blog | Old Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Book

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