|This is a call to vote in favor of releasing Apache Geronimo Arthur
version ||1.0.3||||.|
|We solved 9 issues:|||

|** Improvement
    * [GERONIMO-6807] - support of annotated mode for openwebbeans knight

** Task
    * [GERONIMO-6808] - Support HSQLDB
    * [GERONIMO-6809] - Support OpenJPA
    * [GERONIMO-6810] - Sort ArthurExtension by order
    * [GERONIMO-6812] - Add allowUnsafeAccess to reflection field model
    * [GERONIMO-6815] - Arthur --no-server default should be reversed
since graalvm does not use that anymore
    * [GERONIMO-6816] - Arthur should set GRAALVM_HOME to install
    * [GERONIMO-6817] - Arthur graal extractor does not set permissions
correctly for native-image usage
    * [GERONIMO-6818] - Upgrade to Apache Common Compress 1.21|
|The source to be voted upon:|
|Staging repo ||for| |binaries:|

|Guide to testing staged releases:|
|GPG Key:|
|Vote open ||for| |72| |hours. Please ||do| |examine the source and
binaries before voting.|
|[ ] +||1|
|[ ] +||0|
|[ ] -||1| |(please include reasoning)|


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