Hi John.

Thank you all for your help, John, Alfonso, Carlos, and the other mentors.

I look forward to working with you on the project.

My Cwiki username is: mgov88 .

Best regards,

El sáb, 28 de nov. de 2020 a la(s) 11:52, John Mora (jhnmora...@gmail.com)

> Hi Gaby.
> Congratulations!!! and welcome on board.
> Please make sure you sign the internship agreement and follow all the
> instructions of the Outreachy program.
> Also, you will have to add a weekly report with progress on the Wiki of
> Apache Gora. You can use the GSoC reports as an example [1], but please
> create a new page for your project in the Outreachy section. And I
> recommend that you upload your proposed timeline and basic information of
> the project on another page similar to this [2], you can copy & paste the
> contents of the project description on the Outreachy platform.
> BTW, I think Kevin Ratnasekera can grant permissions on Cwiki, please send
> us your username of cwiki.
> Best,
> John
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GORA/Arango+datastore+reports
> [2]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GORA/ArangoDB+Datastore+Proposal
> [3]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GORA/Outreachy%3A+December+2020+-+March+2021
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De: Outreachy Organizers <organiz...@outreachy.org>
> Date: lun, 23 nov 2020 a las 11:01
> Subject: Gaby Ortiz accepted for Outreachy
> To: Gaby Ortiz <arqgabyor...@gmail.com>, djkevincr <
> djkevincr1...@gmail.com>, John Mora <jhnmora...@gmail.com>, madhawa <
> madh...@apache.org>, Carlos Muñoz <carlosr...@gmail.com>, Matt Sicker <
> boa...@gmail.com>, Awasum Yannick <awa...@apache.org>, Katia Rojas <
> ka...@apache.org>
> Congratulations on being accepted for the December 2020 to March 2021
> Outreachy internship round!
> You have been selected as an intern for Apache working with your mentors
> djkevincr and John Mora and madhawa and Carlos Muñoz on the project "Add a
> datastore for Neo4j in Apache Gora". The Apache coordinators are Matt
> Sicker and Awasum Yannick and Katia Rojas, who are on Cc.
> If you don't plan on participating as an intern, please let us know as
> soon as possible. The later you wait, the less likely it is we'll be able
> to fill the internship with another candidate.
> Time Commitment
> ---------------
> Your approval to participate in Outreachy is based on the time commitments
> you listed in your initial application:
> https://www.outreachy.org/eligibility-results/
> If your time commitments are incorrect or have changed (such as if you
> have a job that is not listed on your initial application), please contact
> us immediately.
> Minimum hours per week policy:
>  - If an intern's school terms have shifted due to COVID-19 impacts, they
> will only be required to work 10 hours a week during classes and exams.
>  - If an intern is otherwise impacted by COVID-19, they will only be
> required to work 30 hours a week.
>  - Interns who are not impacted by COVID-19 are required to work 40 hours
> a week.
>  - Please read our COVID-19 policy for this round for details:
> https://www.outreachy.org/blog/2020-08-28/december-2020-internship-applications-open//#covid-19
> Interns are required to work for 12 weeks of the Outreachy internship's 13
> week duration.
> Please reach out to your mentor if you are impacted by COVID-19. You'll
> need to create a plan for a reduced project timeline.
> Internship Guide
> ----------------
> Please bookmark the Outreachy Internship Guide:
> https://www.outreachy.org/docs/internship/
> The internship guide has important dates such as feedback deadlines,
> payment dates, and intern/mentor chat dates. It also provides information
> on blog prompt topics and dates.
> What happens next
> -----------------
> This email outlines the next steps for participating in the program, so
> please read it carefully. The first most important steps are:
>  1. Log into the Outreachy website and click the 'Accept Internship'
> button on your dashboard: https://www.outreachy.org/dashboard This will
> prompt you to sign the internship agreement.
>  2. Double check that your public information on the announcement page is
> correct: https://www.outreachy.org/alums/ If you want to add a photo or
> you need any changes, you can change your public name, location, pronouns
> (and their public visibility settings), and links to Twitter, GitLab, and
> GitHub on your account page. https://www.outreachy.org/account/
>  3. Set an email filter to ensure all emails from outreachy.org and
> sfconservancy.org go to your Inbox.
>  4. Respond to the Software Freedom Conservancy with your tax form W-9 or
> W8-BEN by Dec. 11, 2020.
>  5. Create a blog to use to document your Outreachy internship. You will
> be required to blog every two weeks (more details on that below).
>  6. Add the blog URL and RSS feed link to your profile:
> https://www.outreachy.org/account/
>  7. Contact your mentor.
>  8. Start your internship on Dec. 1, 2020.
> The rest of the email outlines important steps to take in the next week.
> Internship Agreement
> --------------------
> You will need to log into the Outreachy site and accept the Outreachy
> internship agreement by Nov. 28, 2020:
> https://www.outreachy.org/dashboard
> This is a legal document. You cannot participate in the internship unless
> you sign the internship agreement. The internship agreement asserts the
> information you provided on your initial and final application is accurate
> and correct. This includes the time commitments you provided on your
> initial application.
> Make sure to email organiz...@outreachy.org if your time commitments have
> changed or will change. Your time commitments can be viewed here:
> https://www.outreachy.org/eligibility-results/
> Legal Name
> ----------
> You will need to provide your full legal name as your electronic signature
> on the internship agreement. You will also need to use your full legal name
> on your tax paperwork. Please make sure the names match.
> Only Outreachy organizers (Marina, Sage, Karen, Cindy, and Tony) and
> Software Freedom Conservancy staff will see your legal name. You may use a
> nickname, pseudonym, or a shortened name for working with Outreachy
> mentors. You can also use a nickname, pseudonym, or shortened name for
> display on the Outreachy alums page.
> Payment Accounting
> ------------------
> Outreachy's fiscal sponsor, Software Freedom Conservancy, will be handling
> payment processing.
> Conservancy uses an email-based accounting ticketing system. Please make
> sure to reply-all and keep the ticket number in the email subject line. If
> you try to contact individual Conservancy employees, that will not be
> recorded on the ticket, and it may slow down the processing of your
> accounting ticket.
> Please treat Conservancy accounting staff with respect. The Outreachy Code
> of Conduct also applies to communication with Conservancy employees.
> Payments schedule
> -----------------
> Your payments will be sent on the following schedule. See the Internship
> Guide for full details: http://www.outreachy.org/docs/internship/#payments
>  * The $2000 initial payment will be issued by Jan. 10, 2021
>  * The $2000 mid-point payment will be issued by Feb. 11, 2021
>  * The $2000 final payment will be issued by April 1, 2021
> Your payments may be delayed if:
>  * You do not turn in payment routing and tax forms by Dec. 11, 2020
>  * Your mentor does not provide feedback by the initial, mid-point, or
> final feedback deadlines
>  * You have a custom internship start date or an internship extension
> Tax forms
> ---------
> Once the deadline to sign the internship agreement is passed (Nov. 28,
> 2020), we will send the intern agreements to Conservancy. They will then
> email you to ask for tax forms.
> Depending on the country you reside in, you will be asked to provide
> either a W-9 or a W8-BEN form.
> Tax forms and payment routing information are due by Dec. 11, 2020. Tax
> forms are required in order to be paid the internship stipend. You may be
> dropped from the program if you are asked for a form and you do not provide
> it within a month.
> Travel Allowance
> ----------------
> All travel using the Outreachy travel stipend is prohibited. You will
> receive your travel stipend as part of your internship payment.
> Intern Blog
> -----------
> You are required to blog every two weeks about your internship. The
> Outreachy organizers will email you blog post prompts. Please see the
> Internship Guide for the blog post prompt schedule, and recommendations on
> how to set up your blog:
> http://www.outreachy.org/docs/internship/#blog
> Please update your profile https://www.outreachy.org/account/ with a link
> to both the URL for your blog, and (optionally) the RSS feed for your blog.
> E-mails for coordinators and mentors
> ------------------------------------
> organiz...@outreachy.org is an email shared by the organizers of the
> program (Cindy Pallares, Karen Sandler, Tony Sebro, Sage Sharp, and Marina
> Zhurakhinskaya).
> Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any general questions about the
> program at any time. Please always e-mail that address, and not one of us
> individually. Please make sure to always use "Reply to All".
> For the questions specific to your organization, please contact your
> mentor, the organization's coordinator or a relevant community mailing
> list, chat, or forum.
> Outreachy chat server
> ---------------------
> You will receive an invitation to a private Outreachy chat server. The
> chat server includes all accepted interns for this round, Outreachy
> mentors, coordinators, and organizers. The chat server is meant for you to
> connect on a personal level to other Outreachy participants. You should
> still also participate in the public communication channels for your
> project and community.
> If you haven't received an email invitation to the Outreachy chat server
> in a week, please let the Outreachy organizers know.
> Outreachy opportunities
> ---------------------
> Outreachy wants to ensure you find additional opportunities. We have an
> opportunities mailing list that is open to sponsors, current interns,
> alumni, and current and past mentors of Outreachy. Members are encouraged
> to post job opportunities, other internship programs, conference speaking
> calls for proposals, and conference travel grant opportunities.
> https://lists.outreachy.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/opportunities
> You can also see a list of sponsor job pages here:
> https://www.outreachy.org/opportunities/
> Twitter
> -------
> Outreachy has a Twitter account @outreachy https://twitter.com/outreachy
> Please add your twitter handle to your Outreachy website account if you'd
> like us to follow you. https://www.outreachy.org/account/
> When you are promoting your blogs on Twitter, please make sure to tag
> @outreachy. We may retweet intern tweets that use the @outreachy tag. If
> you don't want us to retweet you, don't add the @outreachy tag, and just
> use the word Outreachy.
> More questions?
> ---
> Please let us know your additional questions or concerns! Email us at
> organiz...@outreachy.org
> Good luck with your internship, and congratulations!
> Outreachy Organizers
> ---
> This is an automated email sent via Django on https://www.outreachy.org
> You are receiving this email because you completed an initial application
> for Outreachy.
> If you feel you have received this email in error, please contact
> "Outreachy Organizers" <organiz...@outreachy.org>

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