Before going though the pain of a rename, I would suggest checking with 
trademarks@ to make sure the name “Apache Consensus” is suitable (i.e. a 
PODLINGNAMESEARCH JIRA would be approved).

You don’t want to rename, only to have to rename again.


> On Feb 22, 2017, at 10:31 AM, Edward Capriolo <> wrote:
> I am sure the infra team with love this idea :):
> Thinking about the direction of Gossip. This is currently the message on
> our front page:
> Apache Gossip
> Apache Gossip™ is a system to form peer-to-peer networks using the gossip
> protocol.
> Thinking about the bigger picture... We are looking to add SWIM, we are
> looking to add CRDT. In the future we might have some type of leader
> election, or multicast based cluster membership.
> I am borrowing a notion that Gary brought up in the early days of the
> proposal with the term "toolkit". Here is my new idea:
> Apache Consensus
> Apache Consensus is a distributed services toolkit that includes clustering
> technology like peer-to-peer membership services like gossip and data
> primitives like distributed CRDT data types.... bla bla.
> What does everyone think? This is no immediate need here, but I think the
> re-brand is more inline with there we are headed and more interesting to
> attract development. Comments and other suggestions are welcome.

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