Dear Developers,

I need to save a Calc chart to external graphical image file.
9 years ago it was promised that a special component would be introduced
for that purpose:

I couldn't find any trace of such a component in current OO, and
the only way I could save a chart to an image was applying a workaround
that involved copying chart to drawing.

This page
statest that
The View is the creator of the visual screen representation. The chart view
creates Shapes as offered by Draw and Impress ( see API com::sun::star::drawing
'Shape'). There are some c++ exports from this library (see
chart2/source/inc/chartview) offered for use in the controller. These are
candidates for UNO interfaces in future.

My questions are:
1. What is a recommended way of exporting charts to images in OO 3.2?
2. Will the View component be able to export images, and if yes - when it
will be available in UNO?


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