I figured out why:

By default macros are using CompilePhase.CONVERSION and at this point the
compiler doesn't care about types. That's why it didn't recognized neither
"JsonOutput" (When using JsonOutput.toJson...) nor "groovy" (When using

The way it's working now is:

Statement stmt = macro(CompilePhase.SEMANTIC_ANALYSIS, true) {


MethodCallExpression methodCall = macro(CompilePhase.SEMANTIC_ANALYSIS) {

...in case you wanted to get the method call expression directly.

2016-04-11 14:26 GMT+02:00 Mario Garcia <mario.g...@gmail.com>:

> Hello:
> I'm playing a little bit with groovy-macro, BTW it's really cool how easy
> you can create statements and expressions.
> However I'm having some issues when trying to create an static method call:
> *    Statement callJsonOutput(final MapExpression mapExpression) {*
> *        return macro(true) { JsonOutput.toJson($v{ mapExpression }) }*
> *    }*
> When executing the test, it complains because "JsonOutput" class is not
> found. That's correct, but I can't make it work either by doing:
> *    Statement callJsonOutput(final MapExpression mapExpression) {*
> *        return macro(true) { groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson($v{
> mapExpression }) }*
> *    }*
> Any ideas ?
> Mario

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