On 19.10.2016 12:23, daniel_sun wrote:
Hi Jochen,

      I plan to map Java's *::* to Groovy's *.&*, the following code is ok
now. What do you think about it?

[1, 2, 3].stream().forEach(System.out.&println)          // object method,
[1, 2, 3].stream().forEach(System.out::println)
[1, 2, 3].stream().forEach(Objects.&requireNonNull) // class method,  [1, 

The problem is that a method reference call should be something like a tuple of (class, methodname, instance, arguments). The reference itself is then (class, methodname, instance), which makes the call (class, methodname, instance)(arguments). But it could also be: (class, methodname) (instance, arguments).


(1) Object::toString -> (Object, "toString") called with (instance, arguments)
(2) x::toString -> (Object, "toString", x) called with (arguments)
(3) Foo::staticMethod -> (Foo, "staticMethod", null) called with (arguments)

you could say that (Object, "toString", x) is the same as (Object, "toString"), with a curried x.

MethodClosure now offers (owner, name) with a call (arguments). owner is either the instance or the class. As you see from this already, there is a difference. This means we can do x.&toString (case 2 above) and we can do Foo.&staticMethod (case 3 above), but for case 1 we are lacking something.

Quite a lot of discussion and analysis has been done in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-7772

bye Jochen

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