
Yes this is used. 

For example, picocli has an Ansi enum (ON, OFF, AUTO), with a nested inner 
class Text. 

A Text instance is created with 
` Text(“@|bold hello|@“);`
The outer class determines whether Ansi escape codes are emitted when the text 
is rendered. 

I’m sure it’s possible to design things differently but if you are asking “is 
this actually used“, the answer is yes. 

(Shameless plug) Every java main() method deserves

> On Apr 12, 2018, at 2:36, <> 
> <> wrote:
> I know it is part of the Java spec, but do you know anyone that actuallky 
> does that?  I'm just curious as I've never once seen a need for it.
> Array creation is the one item that comes up most often for me when 
> converting a source file from Java to Groovy.

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