On 11.05.2018 17:32, Mario Garcia wrote:
I think merge requests are essential. I'm reading Jochen is saying that this is not very straight forward with Github. Could anyone please explain why ? Knowing the pains may help finding the solution.

I think this here describes it quite good: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ROLLER/How+to+accept+a+GitHub+Pull+Request

Not very straight forward... well you can barely beat a "press button and done", can you?

For me the pain stems mostly from git itself. If I have changes to Groovy (and I always have) I have to stash them/switch the branch, checkout the PR, merge it (do not forget the special merge message you have to take care of) and then not forget to go back to my old code. That is the bare minimum and requires me to do this from a computer where things are setup properly already. If I have a bad connection for example (at conferences or when mobile), this often fails. And just how easy is it to get the number wrong...

bye Jochen

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